Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Hi, I'm Marie

So, you may be wondering "Milkmaid Hotwife?.. what is that?"  Well...

I am a women who is no longer breastfeeding her child, but I still produce milk to sell.  I also offer wet nursing services.  A long time ago, it wasn't uncommon for a woman to offer her lactating breasts to other babies for milk.  She was called a "milkmaid".  I haven't had anyone ask me to nurse their baby, but I've had offers from men to be their milkmaid.

I am also a married woman whose husband wants to share with other men.  Its called "hotwifing".  (Do not confuse with "Swinging")

So, put those together and I am Milkmaid Hotwife!  Well... a wannabe Milkmaid Hotwife.  I sell my pumped milk but I haven't wet nursed yet.  And we've talked about hotwifing, but haven't made the plunge. 

That is where this blog comes in.  I want to get all my thoughts- the good, the bad, and the naughty- in one place. 

So, before I let you into my mind, I should tell you about me...   

My name is Marie. I am a 34 yr old woman.  I've been married to "S" for 7 years.  I have 3 children:  "J" (boy, 14 yrs), "N" (boy, 3 yrs), "Lil N" (girl, 1 yr).  I used to teach science courses at a college but gave it up to stay at home with our 2 little ones.  I love to read, workout 4-5 times a week, and feel a great sense of accomplishment when I cook something good for my family in the kitchen.  But, no matter how hard I try to find balance and make everyone happy- I find that I am not 100% satisfied.  There is this little voice in my head (or maybe its coming from my groin) that says "You want more."  I may look like all the other frazzled Moms you see at the store, but trust me, my mind still can find a second or two to admire the stock boy's toned arms or dream about what 10 minutes in the back of the FedEx guy's truck would be like...

Do not think I am sex-deprived.  I have a great sex life with my husband- he satisfies me in more ways than one (its more like 3 or 4 times each time!).  Its just that our fantasies pivot around the thought of me being with another man/men.  Add to that, my love for breast attention, and what you get is a horny housewife that looks at all men as potential lovers.

I am getting ready for my first nursing session sometime this month (hopefully).  And we are actively looking for a man to bring to the bedroom.  Can you imagine my excitement right now?  Can you imagine how incredibly nervous I am right now? Ugh! 


1 comment:

  1. As an ex male health visitor I have always encouraged breast feeding and helped women latch on successfully ???
